31 August 2010

Why this blog and name?

Well, now that I've posted my very first brand new post I explain you the reasons of the name and the blog itself.

From September 2010 on I will be living and studying my Master in Environmental Governance in Freiburg, Germany. My life will completely change from being a Büro-and-Stress-life to be a life full of new challenges surrounding the thing I care the most in my professional life: the environment.

Months ago I bought the book "No Impact Man" by Colin Beavan and felt really good reading it. I definitely agree with most of the ideas he shares and it influenced the decision I took towards this blog. 

During the next 2 years I will regularly post in this blog my adventures and discoverings towards a green life in Freiburg. I will, as much as I can, try to leave the less impact possible in Freiburg, buy stuff produced in Germany and in the nearby of Freiburg. You will have to forgive in advance for all the silly grammar mistakes I will do. Please remember I can speak better German than English. 

Why GreenPragma? 
Well, all the important things begin with important names and I totally felt this name hit it. I've always believed that to be a pragmatic person necessarily implies to take care of your environment and of your people i.e. to pollute less, consume wisely, produce more wisely and teach all the people around you how important it is to preserve mother nature as much as possible.  The Greek word Pragma (πραγμα) is the basis of the concept Pragmatism, same that some understand and other don't.

Until I've reached German lands I will try to pretty up this blog. 

Will keep you posted.