19 March 2015

A Guide to the Birdsong of South America

If you love nature and good music, this is the record you need to hear:

Rythm and Roots (Robin Perkins) collaborated with a bunch of amazing South American musicians, including Nicolá Cruz and Dengue Dengue Dengue, to put together these amazing tunes in the album "A Guide to the Birdsong of South America". The core of this musical creation: the songs of endangered birds of our beautiful continent mixed with cool electronic tunes to raise awareness around biodiversity protection. This project collaborated as well with the Ecuadorian NGO Aves y Conservación (Birdlife International in Ecuador), who provided their expertise on biodiversity conservation and birdlife. The illustrations for this album were done by Scott Partridge.

These tunes are heartful, great for dancing, relaxing and... sharing :)  Hear this album, now. Seriously: now!

Here you have more info on how to get the record and support this project.

